If you have a deceased indicator on a credit report, it is important that you act quickly to dispute and correct the error. You do this by filing a formal dispute through the credit bureau and then providing the documentation needed to prove that you’re alive and well! You may also need to prove that you’re not deceased to the Social Security Administration (SSA) as well.
Though it is a bit of a hassle, it is important to be intentional, accurate, and thorough in undertaking the dispute process. So, don’t delay getting started, but don’t rush the process either. Take the time to follow the steps outlined below.
Steps to Dispute a Deceased Indicator
- Contact a consumer protection lawyer. Being flagged as deceased is considered to be such an egregious error under the law that you may have the right to file a lawsuit even if you don’t sustain significant damages. You have rights under federal and state law, and the credit bureaus have legal obligations.
Contacting a consumer protection attorney to talk through your situation at the outset is a great way to protect yourself. At Consumer Attorneys, our lawyers handle these types of cases every day, and with a nationwide practice, we’re always right where you need us to be.
- Review your credit reports. Once you learn that you’ve been falsely identified as deceased on a credit report, it is very important that you complete a thorough review of your credit reports from each of the three credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion). Don’t just look for errors reporting you as deceased, look over every detail. Make notes of any incorrect dates, names, locations, and anything else.
You are entitled to access a free copy of each report once per week. Just be sure to only use the government-verified site for online requests. There are three ways to request a copy: online at annualcreditreport.com, by phone at 877-322-8228, or by mailing a request form, which can be printed at annualcreditreport.com.
- Dispute the errors with the Social Security Administration. If your name has mistakenly ended up in the Death Master File at the SSA, there is a separate dispute process. Even though you will dispute directly with the credit bureau(s) (see below), you need to dispute directly with the SSA as well.
SSA disputes must be done in person at your nearest local SSA office. You will need to bring originals (not copies) of your important documents, such as birth certificate, driver’s license, Social Security card, and other documents requested by the SSA (look on the SSA website to determine which documents will be presented). You’ll likely need to make an appointment in advance.
When the SSA clears up the mistake, you will be provided with a document confirming that you were reported deceased in error and that it has been corrected at the SSA.
- Dispute the errors with the credit bureau(s). To do this, you will:
Write a letter to each credit bureau that is falsely reporting you as deceased. Explain that you discovered errors in your credit report and you are writing to formally dispute them and request corrections. Be very thorough and precise. Provide
Send copies of your credit report, with each error clearly indicated and referenced in your letter.
Provide any documentation supporting your position that the data reported is false. You should only send copies of your documents, not originals. Include a copy of the letter from the SSA if you have one. If you are sending the dispute letter prior to disputing with the SSA, note in your letter that you will be filing a formal dispute with the SSA and will forward any relevant correspondence as soon as you receive it.
Send the letter and supporting documents to the dispute address provided by each credit bureau on its website. We strongly recommend doing this by certified mail rather than using an online submission platform. This is because using an online dispute submission platform often requires you to waive your right to bring a lawsuit. We advise against this. Plus, using certified mail keeps you in control of tracking the dates of receipt.
Keep a copy of everything you send, and take detailed notes about any phone calls or other correspondence you have.
- Follow up with a consumer protection lawyer. Whether you’re already working with a lawyer from Consumer Attorneys or you finally feel ready to make the call, reach out to Consumer Attorneys for a free consultation. Helping consumers dispute credit reporting errors, including false deceased designations, is what we do. We know your rights under the law, how to enforce them, and how to get compensation for your damages.
Contact Us for a Free Consultation
If your credit report has a false deceased indicator, Consumer Attorneys can help.
There are several ways to reach one of our lawyers: call (+1-877-615-1725), email (info@consumerattorneys.com), fill out the online intake form, or use our virtual chat option.
Our consultations are free, and we want to hear from you today!