Lamda Hooks for Appium Automation on Cloud

Lamda Hooks for Appium Automation on Cloud
The mobile industry is one of the largest contributors to the present app development market. This is because more than 55% of the total Internet traffic comes from multiple mobile devices. Some of the popular mobile platforms include tablets, smartphones, and even smartwatches. While working with mobile applications, Appium is one of the most commonly used automation testing tools. The app developers need to verify the placement of all the elements on the mobile app irrespective of the device. So, the integration of a real device cloud can massively boost the testing capabilities of Appium. During this process, the application developers can also use multiple Agile Methodologies to improve the coordination between the testing and development teams of a company.

So, with this article, we are going to explore some of the best Lambda hooks for Appium automation on the cloud. We will also discuss the role of modern cloud-based solutions while executing Appium testing on modern mobile applications.

The Mobile Application Market

Currently, the mobile application market is one of the fastest-growing markets. The three most popular mobile platforms include Android, iOS, and Windows. Android being the largest competitor has thousands of new devices coming in the market annually. The developers must remember that all these devices have separate resolutions, software configurations, hardware, and even user interfaces. So it is next to impossible to generalize the test cases or restrict them to only simulation software. Real device testing will allow the application developers to verify the influence of physical parameters on the functioning of the application.

Some of the most important parameters include low battery, unstable network bandwidth, and user interaction errors. Moreover, the proper placement of the user interface elements is crucial while working with mobile apps. This is because depending on the screen size, the UI elements can be misplaced or even non-functional. This will have a massive hit on user satisfaction and might negatively impact the brand image.

 Appium and Integration of Automation Testing

Appium is a modern tool to verify the proper placement of all the user interface elements present in mobile applications. Other than UI testing, app developers can also use Appium for testing the functionality of native apps, hybrid apps, and mobile-based web applications. Appium has an open-source infrastructure that provides access to all of its features without any expenses. While working with Appium, the application developers can implement modern practices like parallel test execution and test analysis. Appium can run the test cases on both Android and iOS applications.

While working with Appium, the application developers can benefit a lot from the integration of automation testing. This is because, with this process, the app developers can automatically run the test cases using data from text files. This data will allow the system to replicate human interactions while communicating with the app. Based on these communications, the system will generate a detailed test report showing the usability of the application. Some of the major upsides of implementing automation testing are mentioned below:

With automation testing, it is possible to run multiple instances of test cases on different configurations and machines at the same time. With this process, the developers can test the functioning of complex applications within a few days.

While using test automation, app developers can get rid of performing repetitive test cases. Instead, they can work together to create new features that can be implemented in any of the future updates of their application.

Automation testing does not involve a manual test bench. So, it is not only devoid of human errors but can also run the test cases 24 hours around the clock which is beyond human abilities.

 Finally, while implementing automation testing, the app developers can use modern technologies like parallel test execution, Agile Methodologies, implementation of an integrated development environment, and many more to improve the quality and efficiency of the app development project.

 LambdaTest and Its Real Device Cloud

As we already mentioned earlier, real device testing is crucial while working with Appium. LambdaTest is a modern cloud-based platform to initiate automated real-device testing on web applications. While working with this platform, the developers can run the Appium test cases on thousands of different real devices and browsers at the same time. The integration of multiple devices and emulation software massively boosts the dependability of the test reports. Now let us understand how LambdaTest Real Device Cloud boosts Appium Testing:

The LambdaTest real device cloud also provides access to old devices and browser versions that are no longer operational or available in the market. This is a very important parameter as a huge segment of the audience base does not update their devices and software very often.

While using the LambdaTest real device cloud for Appium testing, the app developers can run the test cases in a parallel configuration including thousands of different test parameters and machines at the same time.

LambdaTest provides native support for integrating Lambda hooks with Appium testing over the cloud. This means that the application developers do not have to use any 3rd party tool or dependency for it.

 Finally, LambdaTest generates a visually attractive test report that is very easy to understand even by the non-technical teams of the company. It also consists of videos, screenshots, and other log data. Thus, the system will automatically highlight the faulty elements so the testers can easily navigate to them.

 Lambda Hooks for Appium Automation on Cloud

Lambda hooks allow the application developers to perform certain functions or assets of specific conditions before or after executing the automation test cases. The application developers can implement the Lambda hooks at any point in the test execution cycle. This is useful when the app developers are working with cloud services including AWS Lambda. Let us go through some of the popular hooks that are crucial for developers:

Test Setup Hook: 

Using this Lambda hook, you can set up the necessary environment before starting running of the Appium test cases. Some of the common tasks that it can perform are the initializing Appium driver, configuring the required device parameters, and launching the app undergoing the development process.

Pre-Test Hook: 

This hook will help you to perform multiple pre-test actions that are required by the app development and testing life cycle. For instance, it can allow the testers to log into the application and navigate to a specific app screen. 

Test Teardown Hook: 

Using this Lambda hook, the app testers can perform the clean-up process after executing the entire test suite. Some of the common functions performed during the cleaning process include releasing resources, shutting down the Appium driver, and generating the final Test reports. 

Post-Test Hook: 

After running the test case, you can use this Lambda hook for performing the clean-up and prepare the environment for the next test script. Some of the functions performed by this hook include closing the application, resetting the simulation software, shutting down the Appium drivers, and generating detailed test reports.

Custom Reporting Hook: 

This Lambda hook is useful when you need a customized test report for the app development project. It is also possible to integrate this Lambda hook with third-party reporting tools for providing comprehensive and detailed insight into the test execution report. 

Error Handling Hook: 

You can create a Lambda hook to handle the errors while working with Appium. Some of the common parameters performed by this hook include taking specific actions when a test case fails, capturing additional diagnostic information, or sending the notification to the relevant teams of the app development company. 

 Implementing the Lambda Hooks for Appium Testing

The application developers can easily integrate LambdaTest with Appium testing for initiating and adding the Lambda hooks. For this purpose, the app developers have to first create a LambdaTest account by navigating to the official website and following the instructions. The LambdaTest license will supply the required credentials and username for accessing the real device cloud.