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Behind Tencent Honour Kings League Legendslike

Behind Tencent Honour Kings League Legendslike

Tencent is a Chinese internet services company that was founded in 1998. They are most well known for the video game, Honor of Kings. The game has evolved into various competitive gaming leagues and tournaments across Asia, named Tencent Honor of Kings Leagues or Tencent Honor of Kings Legends. Tencent Honor of Kings Legends is a prestigious competitive gaming league established by Tencent in China, and their first international branch league expanded in 2020 to areas such as Taiwan and South Korea. This article will examine the history and factors behind Tencent Honor of Kings Leagues and Legends success. The History of Honor of Kings Honor of Kings is a MOBA gaming title developed by Tencent that launched on the iOS and Android platforms in 2015. As mentioned before, it blossomed into ...