Tag: My Kratom Doses

How Can I Manage My Kratom Doses?

How Can I Manage My Kratom Doses?

Kratom, or more commonly known as Mitragyna Speciosa is a herbaceous plant that grows on the grounds on Southeast Asian countries including Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia. Kratom has been popular in its origin as a medicinal herb, relaxant and energizer. Before the introduction of synthetic medicines in the market, herbs were used for practically everything and for that matter kratom has been immensely popular. What does kratom contain that makes it stand out from the rest? According to scientific research, kratom contains a diversified range of over 20 biological compounds as well as alkaloids such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These two alkaloids in specific are responsible for the calm and soothing effects that kratom carries out on the body. In t...