WhatsApp is emerged with its glory as best ever messaging mobile app we’ve so far. Nowadays, chatting with friends, sending images, videos, GIFs, video and voice calling with family costs little or nothing. This app boasts around 1 billion active users as announced by Facebook in this year. To roll-out WhatsApp, you need is terse implementation and the good idea of how you can see your app? How it behaves? If you’re building Chat App Clone then you can easily complete this task. Developers at AppnGame can happily proceed with chat app business and new ideas. AppnGame has hired engineers that can give delightful results.
A synopsis of Chat App clone or App
You should be honest, if you want to see the clone of WhatsApp, you’ll have big bucks. You can’t stay away from reality. Development of Chat App Clone is not cakewalk- not investment or development. When you’ll see utility then you can add features that are used by billions of users in the world. Therefore, your preparation is to rock solid. Thus, mobile app has to reliable and secure. You should maintain sense of privacy. You need to talk about personal contacts. For example, WhatsApp is connected with phone number of user which is duplicated.
No worried for losing password or identity theft. Now aim for introducing app is that when you will go got the meeting or the gym or had low battery power, you are driving or you can inform contacts on a current situation. You can avoid receiving countless calls. However, why we call it WhatsApp, it is derived from what’s up.
Hidden features of Chat app Clone
It is proved to be evolution of instant messaging app’s sector, for example, WhatsApp is liked or accepted due to many features that entails. Besides being free messenger mobile app, WhatsApp is experimenting with breakthrough technology like artificial intelligence and bots. They’re trying their hands on providing brand management and enterprise level communication for e-commerce and business by WhatsApp group chat app features.
A full-service chat app is consists of key features mentioned below:-
- Audio Calls
- Group Calls
- Video Chats
- Stickers sharing
- End to end chat encryption
- Cloud Services synchronous
- Helps for MFT (multimedia file transfer) & different data formats such as images, video, GIFs, animations, voice note, contacts, documents and locations.
- Messages that destructs
- Calendar synchronization
- Multiplication
- Relocating integration
- Multiplication chatting
- In-App Purchases
The estimated cost for developing an app with all above mentioned features cost around USD 50k to USD 60k. It is main figure that varies and based on features that we list and decide to add into the app. We’re also committed to deliver mobile app at cost and time as promised, there is difference of demanding a scope and change during project management and development. For example, if you’ve choice of Chat App Clone like WhatsApp then you can decide in initial stage, and then quote that reduces around USD 30k however you can upgrade features and cost will above USD 60k. You should know what are monetization, UX/UI design, code development and project management?