Getting cash advances or access to emergency funds is one of the major highlights of having a credit card. Many people do not have to wait till they are paid thanks to it. But there are several other benefits as well.
Some of them include getting discounts and special offers, getting a chance to build your credit score with consistent and responsible usage, and consumer protection. There is so much more that is offered.
This is why seeing your Søk Kredittkort På Dagen (application for a credit card today) turned down can be quite frustrating. However, the question is why a credit card applicant’s request would be turned down. There are several reasons for this and some of them will be discussed here in this article.
But before then, you should know that reviewing eligibility criteria and requirements before an application is important. On this note, you can visitå-dagen/ for details.
Why Your Credit Card Application May Have Been Rejected
Credit card companies decline applications to protect their business interest for the most part. It is because they have reasons to think that the applicant is not creditworthy enough in a lot of cases.
For this reason, an applicant request can be declined to avoid dealing with cardholders who default on payment. Here are some of the known reasons why you or anyone else may not be considered creditworthy enough to secure a credit card:
You Do Not Have a Good Credit History
These companies run some financial background checks once they are contacted by applicants. The goal of these checks is to ensure that they are dealing with the ideal borrower. Finding out the applicant’s credit history is one of their major points of call.
They check the credit score and make sure it is not below their minimum requirements. This is why you need to find out the minimum score. This way, you would steer clear of applying if yours is not sufficient enough. This information could also help you work on your score before applying.
By the way, this is not the only thing that is checked. Your credit history as a whole is assessed by the issuer. This is because it offers answers to questions about your credit profile. For instance, your history will reveal:
- If you are fond of making late payments
- If you are fond of asking for extensions
- How much debt you have accumulated within a specific timeframe
- Payment consistency
These financial service providers consider answers to these questions very important. As a result, the answers they get determine if your application will be granted or declined to a large extent.
Income Status
It is only logical that the issuer is concerned about the income status of applicants. This is because the applicant’s ability to repay debt is tied to their income. For this reason, they would like to know how much the applicant earns.
The essence is to check the debt-to-income ratio. This will help them understand if the income is sufficient enough for servicing credit card debts.
In light of this, the request can be declined because the income is insufficient. So, you should take a good look at your income and see if repayment is not going to be a problem. This is important because credit card issuers would take this seriously.
Employment Status
It is one thing to meet the requirements as it concerns income, but it is another to meet the requirement as it concerns employment status. While the credit history of some applicants proves that their income is sufficient enough, there are question marks about their employment status.
For instance, this may be because they have been in and out of a job several times. Another example is freelancers who do not have stable employment as they work on a contract basis. All these things will be carefully observed and would influence the decision to grant or decline the request.
Inaccurate or Incomplete Application
This is the reason the request of an eligible applicant is turned down in most cases. So, do not be in a hurry to apply to the point where you fail to fill out all the required portions or present inaccurate information.
The issuer may consider the applicant not honest enough when inaccurate information is presented to them. Sadly, there are cases in which this is just an error and not the applicant’s intention.
So, taking time to fill out the application and consciously checking for errors is important before submitting your application. Doing so will also help ensure that you do not miss out on any part that needs to be filled.
Multiple Applications in a Short Timeframe
Some signs are considered red flags by credit card issuers. One such is an applicant making multiple applications in a short timeframe. This smells like dangerous desperation and the company may do some serious digging into the applicant’s history.
Some issuers would just go ahead and decline the offer. So, you need to be smart even with your credit card applications.
Limited Credit History
The credit card issuer would like to know how creditworthy you are as mentioned early on. Ironically, it is almost impossible with some applicants. The reason is that they have no or very little history that can be examined.
This is usually considered a red flag for many companies that offer this financial service. It is not necessarily because the applicant is at fault. Rather, it is because the company does not know who they are dealing with. This is why it is advisable to build a credit history before applying.
Bad Public Record
Getting information that would help the issuer examine how creditworthy you are is easier in this day and age. Needed information can be easily gotten with the technology at these financial service provider’s disposal.
As a result, they are likely to know when someone who is applying has a bad public record. Some of the things that can be discovered are:
- If the person applying is an ex-convict
- If the person applying is facing foreclosure
- If the person applying has been sued by a previous lender
- If the applicant has filed for bankruptcy
All these impact how creditworthy a person will be rated. As a result, the application can be declined if the person applying belongs to the aforementioned category of people.
All of the aforementioned are very cogent reasons credit card issuers may decline an application. However, it is worth noting that this list is not exhaustive. By the way, some of these financial service providers are stricter for certain reasons.
You should review the issuer’s eligibility criteria and requirements before you apply. This will greatly reduce the chances of your request being declined.