Tag: Abnormal spotting:

Implantation Bleeding | How to Identify it And Other Variations
Health & Fitness

Implantation Bleeding | How to Identify it And Other Variations

  Vaginal bleeding commonly occurs during menstruation. However, there are a number of reasons why someone could bleed between periods. Light menstrual bleeding is common, but heavy bleeding—also known as implantation bleeding could be a sign of pregnancy or perhaps an underlying medical problem. What is Implantation Bleeding? Implantation bleeding is a type of spotting or light bleeding that occurs when a fertilised egg implants into the lining of the uterus. This usually occurs around six to twelve days after fertilisation or when a woman expects her next menstrual period. Implantation bleeding is generally much lighter and shorter in duration than a regular menstrual period. It may last a few hours to a couple of days, and the amount of blood is usually very small. Some wo...