Cure Insomnia using Sleep Balm with Essential Oils
Insomnia is widespread today and is a major concern in home healthcare. It can be very harmful to your health. Remember that sleep is a basic necessity of a healthy lifestyle and is needed just like food and water for survival. It is the only time when your cells regenerate the most usually between 10 pm to 3 am. Human adults should sleep at least 6 to 8 hours every day to keep your brain productive for the next 24 hours. Turning to over-the-counter sleep aids for help can be hurtful and even addictive. Wherein, the negative effects are built through time.
Disadvantages of having Prolonged Insomnia
We know that our brain relaxes during sleep. Therefore, sleep deprivation can result in serious diseases as the brain controls every organ inside a human body. It can cause panic attacks,...