Financial Frauds And What To Do If You Are A Cyber Victim?
Finance, Technology

Financial Frauds And What To Do If You Are A Cyber Victim?

Cybercrime attackers can make a victim of cybercrime almost to everyone who has an e-mail id, mobile, internet, using social networking sites & applications and even those who are doing online transactions for business or any other purpose. But we don’t care about it as we are not aware of its impact on our life or until we become a victim of it.Its Impact can make you either hide from the people or complaining from a police station to other in search of justice and make them understand what has happened and how it had happened.Women's are mainly more targeted here and become the victim of cyberstalking or harassment.Sometimes girls are not ready to complain to police because of fear they get confused what to do? Or some people don’t know where to report the cyber crime or make them un...