Tag: december 22 zodiac

astrology, zodiac sign

CEO of Astrology: Capricorn (December 22 Zodiac)

There is no one in this world who does not face any problem be it in their career, health, relationships etc. so to get over these things astrology comes into the picture as many of you read newspapers or online horoscopes. But these horoscopes vary according to the people the sun signs. Here will talk briefly about one zodiac sign Capricorn (22 december-19 January).  Capricorns are the last earth sign in the zodiac. They are on the tenth place in astrology and ruled by Saturn. In hindi language capricorn are known as “Makar” and represented by the symbol of goat.  The capricorn born under the December 22 zodiac are known as down to earth people. They are very self disciplined and hardworking. Now let's get to know  Why are they called the CEO of Astrology? Capricorns, often called...