Tag: forex software

What is “Nano Lot Trading”?

What is “Nano Lot Trading”?

One nano lot is comparable to one hundred units of a base currency; it is ten times smaller than a micro lot and one hundred times smaller than a mini lot. A nano lot is also one hundred times smaller than a mini lot. When dealing in nano lots, one point of a currency pair that is denominated in U.S. dollars, also known as a "pip," is equivalent to only $0.01. Visit best forex software  BENEFITS OF INVESTING IN NANO LOTS   You Can Get Started with Smaller Actions You should start out with a low risk, regardless of whether you are sure that Forex trading is for you or if this is your first-time trading. You will slowly work your way up from there. There is no differentiation in the foreign exchange market. Due to the low entry barrier presented by nano lots, even novice tra...