Tag: How Does Vaping Help Quit Smoking

How Does Vaping Help Quit Smoking
Health & Fitness

How Does Vaping Help Quit Smoking?

Let’s face it; quitting cigarettes is extremely hard. There are many different approaches that people use to do this. However, people who are long-time smokers always struggle with any method. But until recently, nobody has come up with a more genius idea – quitting smoking by smoking.  Well, not precisely by smoking, but vaping, which is a similar feeling but with some significant differences. First of all, vaping isn’t as addictive or as harmful as smoking. This opens up new opportunities for quitting. It’s important to mention that vaping isn’t all harmless, as some might say.  No, your goal shouldn’t be to switch to vaping only but quit altogether. However, even if you do, you are causing yourself far less harm with vaping than with cigarettes.  It Prevents “Cold Turkey”  ...