Tag: mobile app development

The Most Popular Languages ​​for Mobile App Development

The Most Popular Languages ​​for Mobile App Development

Each Internet user spends an average of 6 hours a day. And most of the time we spend on applications. Everyone has a mobile phone. Therefore, special developments in the form of applications are now more relevant than ever. Smartphones provide us with all sorts of activities at our fingertips. We can order food at home, chat with loved ones, play a game, or look up a recipe. Most of these actions we perform using mobile applications that are designed for a variety of purposes. How are Android or iOS apps created? All mobile applications require a mobile programming language to develop. But do you know what it consists of? A programming language is a formal language with which, based on a set of characters and codes, a programmer gives a series of orders to a machine. In this ca...
Should Mobile App Developers be concerned about Blockchain?
Mobile, Technology

Should Mobile App Developers be concerned about Blockchain?

In the last decade, one of the hottest topics in the tech industry was blockchain, thanks to the rise and drop in the price of popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. As you are in mobile app development, you need to find out whether you should adopt blockchain technology. After all, it is vital for you to embrace the latest innovations, as it helps you stay competitive. Blockchain is revolutionary, as it has been shaking up different industries, thanks to its unique and intuitive features. However, you tend to wonder, whether you should be concerned about this technology or you should ignore it for the time being. First, let’s take a look at the advantages of blockchain in mobile app development, before moving to its disadvantages. Advantages Allows development of decentralized mobile applicati...