Tag: preparing a monthly budget

Can monthly premium payable be considered in monthly debts?

Can monthly premium payable be considered in monthly debts?

Life shows us the strange face of every aspect with or without our knowledge.  One such aspect is a worry.  There is no person without worries.  The common problem which everyone faces is debt. Debt is the amount due to be paid to the lender.  Debt need not be the amount taken from a lender.  It can be the usage of services also.  For example, your mobile phone bill, or electricity bill. In fact, these are the payments which have to be paid to the concerned department almost every month without which the services will be terminated.  It is not that without these facilities you cannot live, but life will be complicated as you have become accustomed to these facilities.  Not only these bills, but you will also have regular bills that have to be attended. So, the point to be considered here i...