Business Located At 35975 Woodward

Business Located At 35975 Woodward

Businesses come in all shapes and sizes, but one commonality they all share is a need for a location. Some businesses are based purely online, but for many others, a physical location is key to attracting customers and generating income. The location of a business can be just as important as the product or service it offers.

35975 Woodward is an example of a business location that has a lot to offer its tenants. This prime piece of real estate is located in the heart of downtown Birmingham, Michigan, making it a highly visible and accessible location for businesses.

Some of the businesses currently located at 35975 Woodward include a law firm, a financial planning company, and a real estate agency. These businesses have chosen to locate here because of the many benefits that this location offers.

Benefits Of Business Located At 35975 Woodward

Some of the key benefits of locating at 35975 Woodward include:

  1. High visibility and foot traffic: This location is in a highly visible spot in downtown Birmingham, which gets a lot of foot traffic from shoppers, workers, and residents. This makes it easy for businesses to get noticed and generate foot traffic of their own.
  2. Close to public transportation: This location is also conveniently located near public transportation, making it easy for employees and customers to get to and from businesses located here.
  3. Plenty of parking: There is plenty of parking available at 35975 Woodward, which is a major convenience for businesses and their customers.
  4. Attractive, modern building: The building at 35975 Woodward is an attractive, modern building that makes a good impression on customers and clients.
  5. Professional environment: This location provides a professional environment for businesses, which can be important for some companies.

These are just some of the reasons why businesses might choose to locate at 35975 Woodward. This location has a lot to offer businesses of all types, and it is easy to see why it is such a popular choice for many companies.

Related FAQs

  1. How important is the location of a business?

The location of a business can be very important, depending on the type of business. Some businesses, such as online businesses, can be located anywhere. But for many other businesses, the location is key to attracting customers and generating income.

  1. What are some of the benefits of locating at 35975 Woodward?

Some of the benefits of locating at 35975 Woodward include high visibility and foot traffic, being close to public transportation, plenty of parking, and an attractive, modern building.

  1. What types of businesses are located at 35975 Woodward?

Some of the businesses currently located at 35975 Woodward include a law firm, a financial planning company, and a real estate agency.

  1. How do I find out more about leasing space at 35975 Woodward?

If you are interested in leasing space at 35975 Woodward, please contact our office for more information.

  1. What business is located at 35975 woodward?

A law firm, a financial planning company, and a real estate agency are some of the businesses located at 35975 Woodward.