Everything You Want to Know About Solid Wood Flooring

Your floor can hold the cue to help your home become the most beautiful home in the neighborhood. You may be able to walk in your circle with your head held high if what is beneath your feet looks beautiful. And if you are looking forward to such an awesome feeling as well, then it is time for you to get the best out of the floor at your home. The kind of visual appeal that a floor can give to your rooms is incomparable. And when it comes to beautiful flooring, the solid wood flooring tops the list of the available choices.
What is Wood Flooring?
The concept of solid wood flooring is a part of the wooden flooring. This is used to give a look to the room as if the floor is made out of timber, which is actually not the case. The use of timber on the floors is used sometimes for structural purpose and at other times, for aesthetic reasons too. Since the gleam off the wooden floor looks quite beautiful and gives a feeling of warmth to the eyes, it is preferred in many hotels as well. A coating of polyurethane on top of the wooden floor can be done for making it sturdier.
Benefits of Solid Wood Flooring
Solid Wooden Flooring
The benefits of getting solid wood flooring are numerous. Let’s look at a few of them.

  • Wood is known to capture heat and stay warm for a long time. This is especially a very beneficial property when it comes to cold climate and hilly areas. The places at higher altitudes can expect to have rooms with warmer temperatures inside the home if the wooden floor is used.
  • The flooring material can come in various shapes, sizes, and even cuts. Even bamboo timber is available in various designs that make the floor look quite attractive.
  • The install solid wood flooring with wooden expert is quite easy and can be done at ease without many tweaks to the floor. You just need a suitable surface to get the wooden layers pasted and that’s it! Your floor will be a sturdy one and soon will be able to sustain the weight of many kinds of heavy items.
  • Wooden floors are also known to offer better grip to shoes and other footwear. This is especially a very beneficial factor when it comes to kids at homes. The kids often love to play around and frolic in the home. You will never want your kid to slip down and get hurt by having knees strike the floor.

How Solid Wood Flooring Works?
The solid wood flooring is done with planks that are milled from a single slab of timber. The solid timber is used for the structural purpose and is installed perpendicular to wooden support beams. These beams are called bearers or jolts. However, many parts of the world are using concrete as a subfloor and engineered wooden flooring is also fast catching popularity. It is easy to give a proper finishing to the wooden floors and sand them. The wooden floor also has a thicker wear surface.
How is Solid Wood Flooring Manufactured?
The solid wood flooring gets produced by milling timber from a single piece of wood which has been air dried before. Cutting can be done in 3 ways.

  • Rift sawing
  • Flat sawing
  • Quarter sawing

Once the wooden pieces are cut, they are sent to the factory for proper sizing and shaping. This is followed by managing the moisture content in the wood so that they don’t warp while being stored or transported.
The solid wood flooring can be the best gift you can give to your home. Get it right away.

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