We all know we need to take good care of our health, and there are lots of different ways to do that, from visiting the doctor regularly to exercising to eating the right foods and taking supplements. Yet, although we think about our health in general terms, it isn’t often that we think about it in more specific terms. Yet considering each element, in turn, means that we can assess any issues and do something about those we find.
Eyestrain is one specific problem that many people suffer from in the 21st century. Thanks to the use of screens being more prevalent, our eyes go through a lot more than ever before and can potentially be damaged. Eyestrain is something that’s easy to fix, however, and here are some ways to prevent it from happening to you.
Get A New Prescription
If you are suffering from eyestrain (which includes getting headaches and dry eyes), the first thing to do is to see your optometrist. They will be able to check whether you need to wear glasses or if your current prescription needs to be updated if you already wear them. This can often be the big issue with eyestrain; the problem may go away once you have new eyeglasses.
However, it is the blue light that comes from screens on our laptops, tablets, and phones that can also cause a problem and the prescription itself. If this is the case, make sure the glasses you get have special blue light-reducing lenses. To help protect your lenses, you can get a glasses case from just-glasses.co.uk for when you’re not wearing them.
Improve Air Quality
Although you might assume that eyestrain comes about because of what you are looking at and how long you are looking at it for, there are other reasons that it can develop. One of these is the air quality of the room you’re in. If you’re looking at a screen for hours at a time and the air around you are particularly dry, that is going to make your eyestrain worse. Your eyes will feel dry, and you may even find that you get pollutants in your eyes, making them sore.
Try to move your desk away from any heating or cooling equipment in your workspace or home. This will help as you won’t be in direct contact with it. You can also install an air humidifier to ensure that the air isn’t too dry, and this can offer great help with reducing eyestrain and other eye complaints.
Use Fewer Screens
Despite everything, the screens we use contribute most to the number of eyestrain cases that people suffer from. So, the simplest way to deal with this problem is to use your screens less. The problem is, of course, that we use screens for work (so using them less is a challenge) and we use them for relaxation (so we don’t want to give them up, especially if they have become a habit).
If you can’t stop using your screens throughout the day, then make sure you take enough breaks. Going outside for ten minutes every hour or so will help prevent eyestrain and keep you more productive.