Do you remember when you checked your credit score free for the first time? You must be delighted of being getting into the credit world. And while checking the same everyone wants his score to be high.
But uncertainty can arrive at any time, especially a financial crunch would have been unavoidable. And, if that happens, all you need is the support of a credit card or a loan and that can only be given if you have a good three-digit numeric summary.
Thus, it is advisable that one should keep an eye on his score regularly so as to ascertain that he/she is in a good credit health. So, if you are someone who wants to know what a good credit score is all about, below we have all the answers to the questions you are likely to have in your mind.
Credit Score Range
Talking about the range, it usually ranges between 300 to 900 as most of the bureaus provide the same. However, one thing that needs to be mentioned here is the fact that generally a score of 700 or above out of 900 is considered to be good enough in grabbing the best deal. Well, one of the prime reasons for a dip in a score is the default in payments be it for a loan or credit card.
Good v/s Bad Score
When it comes to a good score, there is no denying the fact that most of the lenders consider a score of 700 or above fair enough.
However, anything closer to 900 is considered to be good that ultimately helps you in enjoying a loan/credit journey. If you want your numeric summary to be in a good position, all you need to do is
- Always Pay Your Dues on Time
- Avoid Checking Your Score Regularly
- Do Not Send Multiple Loan/Credit Card Enquiries
Well, these are some of the practices that help in keeping your score up for the rainy days. If an individual follows the same, it is not a hassle for him/her to have a smooth journey ahead. Now that you know the insights of the same, it’s better that you should also be aware of the best ways to check your score when in need.
Via PAN Card
You need to have your Permanent Account Number with you in order to know your three-digit summary. Wanna know the steps, read the article below:
Step 1: Go to CIBIL score page
Step 2: Enter your Name as per PAN Card
Step 3: Mention correct Date of Birth
Step 4: Select Gender
Step 5: Provide PAN Card number
Step 6: Enter contact details such as email address, residence address and mobile number
Step 7: Agree to the terms and condition
Step 8: Click on submit button
Via WhatsApp
Be a part of India’s first ever process to check your credit score on WhatsApp. In just a few simple and quick steps, you can know your score without any hassle.
Step 1: Give a missed call to +91-8287151151
Step 2: Mobile Number will be added to WhatsApp Chat
Step 3: Mention your Name, Date of Birth & Gender
Step 4: Enter your PAN Number
Step 5: Provide your complete residence address
Step 6: Enter your Email ID