Tag: losing weight

Fat-Burning: 8 Myths You Should Know About
Health & Fitness, #FlowActivo

Fat-Burning: 8 Myths You Should Know About

The issue of fat-burning concerns everyone who supports a healthy lifestyle and seeks to lose weight. This is the season when we get to wear shorts, our favorite bikini, and other clothing that exposes the body.    But adopting the wrong approach to lose weight and get a toned body can be harmful. The secret of the weight loss process is extremely simple; nevertheless, it still has many stereotypes and myths, and we will now try to dispel some of them. By believing in such myths, one can surely harm his or her health.   Common Myths Related To Fat-Burning  In order to burn fats, many people start believing everything they hear about it. However, many of these are just myths that have nothing to do with reality. Besides, some of these myths are so widespread that people believe...