Concrete sawing is a process of drilling and removing concrete. Earlier jackhammers were used by professionals for this purpose, but it was time taking procedure that needed a lot of labor. Using concrete sawing the whole process has become affordable, quick and accurate because the machinery involved in the process is smooth, powerful and compact that gives attractive finish to any surface and no patchwork is required later. For different materials and surfaces, different cutters are used.
What are the methods of Concrete Sawing?
The most common five methods that are used for concrete sawing are as follows:
- Diamond sawing method: They are faster, precise and the need lesser labor they can be efficiently used for cutting rear or other metals. They are silent, create less vibration and can only be used on any surface under any situation but they are kept only by solely contractors.
- Concrete wall sawing method: It is a process only used I concrete walls and ceilings for the purpose of electric and plumbing purpose and can create 16 and 36 inches thick.
- Flat sawing method: It is used on floors, bridge decks and pavements for broken pipes or wiring beneath a concrete floor or fixing a highway road or cut plumbing trenches.
- Core drilling method: It is a method used for creating openings for pipes wires ventilating or air conditioning vents to fit through.
- Wire sawing method: It is used for wire sawing in projects where no other methods can be used mostly for much larger concrete cutting jobs. It is complex machinery that should only be used by professionals.
What is the machinery and tools used in Concrete Sawing?
Wire saws, wall saws, and flat saws are mostly used in concrete cutters with many different tools depending on the surface ad requirement of the project. The machines used in concrete sawing are hand-held saws with abrasive wheels or diamond blades that are powered by the two-stroke gas engine. It may also be powered by hydraulic unit or air compressor or electric method.
What are the various advantages and disadvantages of various Concrete Sawing machines?
- Electric saws: They are lightweight and makes less noise and are perfect for enclosed environments.
- Hydraulic saws: They have the highest power and weight ration and much more expensive yet convenient.
- Pneumatic saws: They are convenient because of the air compressor and simpler operation and they have fewer potential hazards.
- Gas-powered saws: They are portable and thus quite popular, but their maintenance is little more expensive..
What are the things to be kept in mind during the procedure of Concrete Sawing?
- Making the layout of the area of the concrete to be cut.
- Using a hand saw for 4 inches deep cut up.
- Using an industrial grading machine if the cut is deeper than 4 inches.
- Cutting the concrete to the right depth is extremely important.
- Following the rules and regulation of the state is also important for keeping in mind the security and safety during the process.
- It is important to know the material you are going to cut.
If you want to use this method for any project whether small or big you must only use the company that have modern machinery, tools and workers instead of doing t you self because it may seem a simple tasks but it requires skill and experience workers else the work done either won’t be high quality or you will end up losing money.