When it comes to purchasing a vehicle, auto loans can be a great option for those who don’t have the necessary funds to pay for a car upfront. However, auto loans can also lead to a situation known as “upside down” auto loans, where the amount owed on loan is more than the value of the car. In this article, they will discuss what upside-down auto loans are, how they happen, and ways to avoid them.
What Are Upside Down Auto Loans?
An upside-down auto loan, also known as being “underwater” or “negative equity,” occurs when the amount owed on loan is more than the car’s value. This can happen when a person owes more on their car loan than what the car is worth or if the car depreciates faster than the loan is being paid off. Lantern by SoFi advisors says, “It means that your car is worth less than the remaining amount you owe on loan.”
How Do Upside Down Auto Loans Happen?
Several factors can contribute to an upside-down auto loan, including:
Taking a Long Loan Term – A loan term extending beyond a car’s expected lifespan can lead to an upside-down auto loan. This is because the longer the loan term, the more interest is added to the loan, causing the amount owed to increase.
Putting Little Money Down – Putting little money down at the time of purchase can also lead to an upside-down auto loan. If the car depreciates in value faster than the loan is being paid off, the amount owed can quickly become more than the car’s value.
High-Interest Rates – High-interest rates can also contribute to an upside-down auto loan, as they increase the amount owed on the loan.
Ways to Avoid Upside-Down Auto Loans
Do Your Research – Before purchasing a vehicle, it is essential to research the make and model to determine its expected lifespan and rate of depreciation. This information can help you make an informed decision about how much to finance and for how long.
Make a Large Down Payment – A large down payment can help reduce the amount owed on loan and lower the risk of an upside-down auto loan.
Consider a Shorter Loan Term – A shorter loan term can help you pay off the loan faster, reducing the amount of interest added and lowering the risk of an upside-down auto loan.
Shop Around for the Best Interest Rates – Shopping around for the best interest rates can help lower the amount owed on a loan and reduce the risk of an upside-down auto loan.
Consider a Lease – Leasing a vehicle instead of financing it can also help avoid an upside-down auto loan. This is because when a person leases a car, they only pay for the portion of the car’s value that they will use during the lease term.
Upside-down auto loans can be a stressful situation for anyone who finds themselves in this position. Understanding how they happen and ways to avoid them can help you make an informed decision about purchasing a vehicle and financing options. Remember to do your research, make a large down payment, consider a shorter loan term, shop around for the best interest rates, and consider leasing as an alternative to financing.