Why House Painters In St. Petersburg FL Pay Attention To Seasonal Changes

Why House Painters In St. Petersburg FL Pay Attention To Seasonal Changes

Homeowners can hire painters any time of the year to update their houses since these professionals have the credentials and training to work in Florida’s tropical climate. House Painters However, inclement or harsh weather conditions will push deadlines out further than initially intended. 

A trusted, reliable expert painting team like those from Brothers Colors Painting of St. Petersburg FL can advise homeowners on the ideal time of year to achieve the best results. When following these recommendations, you can expect the curb appeal you were hoping for, the envy of the neighborhood.  

Some will try to paint the house on their own, making it essential to weigh the advantages and downsides of what each season presents; how the weather can affect the outcome. Without a strong skillset, it can be difficult to face these challenges, ultimately bringing the potential for flaws with the end result. 

Let’s look at each season to see how the weather conditions in Florida affect painting a house. 

How Do The Florida Seasons Affect House Painting 

Florida’s tropical weather allows professional painters the chance to paint virtually any time of the year. Considering the experts’ training and knowledge, they can easily foresee challenges and navigate through them. Harsh events or inclement weather will undoubtedly delay the completion of projects. 

The aim is to achieve an optimum finish with heavy storms hindering that process. If you want to impress the neighborhood with the most appealing household façade, it’s wise to pay attention to the painting team’s suggestions on the ideal time of year to update the house. 

Learn hints for painting the home’s exterior at https://foxyinteriors.com/home-staging-tips-painting-the-exterior-of-house and then look at each season to find out the advantages and downsides of painting. 

The summer  

With the summer in Florida comes extreme temperatures. It is possible to paint a house during this season, but it is also the most challenging because of the high humidity and the sweltering conditions. In addition, this is the season when the state experiences strong winds, potential hurricanes, and routine rain. 

Humidity causes surfaces to absorb moisture making it difficult to paint and slowing the drying process. When working on the interior, it’s wise to have the air conditioning on to alleviate the humidity and allow the paint to dry efficiently.  

On the exterior, the rain and strong wind can ruin a fresh coat of paint if it’s still wet by causing dirt and debris to settle on the wet coat. This means having to redo the surface.  

The fall 

Hurricanes are a more significant threat in the fall, and the humidity is still a considerable problem. While the interior shouldn’t be a problem, the exterior could face marked delays due to the harsh weather conditions. 

The positive thing about the fall is that it’s not too hot nor too cold, allowing the ideal temperature for painting. 

Fall, spring, and winter all offer better conditions compared to the summer. High, extreme heat can potentially exhaust painters, particularly if you’re a homeowner trying to paint for the first time. Go here for tips to help you paint like a pro. 

The winter 

Winter in Florida usually runs from October until roughly March, with bright sunny days virtually all the time. These months offer minimal precipitation and calm weather. It’s perfect painting conditions for your Florida house.  

For the exterior, there’s no fear of delays due to rainfall, and temperatures stay warm so that paint will dry adequately.  

Snowbirds tend to flock to their Florida homes during the winter, at which point they handle the household maintenance. Fortunately, the time is right to schedule ahead for professional painting. 

Why House Painters In St. Petersburg FL
Pay Attention To Seasonal Changes

The spring 

If you missed the winter season, the next choice for painting is springtime. Humidity doesn’t climb until summer keeping moisture from building in wood surfaces and allowing the paint to dry adequately. 

The paint will eventually bubble with humidity due to the moisture behind the surface trying to escape. 

Homeowners painting in higher humidity seasons or rainy conditions tend to run into this issue. Neither of these is still considered a problem in the spring, allowing professional painting teams to finish their project efficiently. 

Final Thought 

When considering the best time of year to paint a house in Florida, the winter and spring are the ideal seasons for the project, with winter being perfect. This is when you’ll experience the least humidity, minimal wind or rainfall, calm conditions, and ideal temperatures. 

Summer and fall are times to avoid, with the summer being too extreme as far as sweltering heat. These temperatures can be exhaustive to painters, but also particularly for homeowners who might be performing the task for the first time. 

For an expert, impeccable and enviable project completed any time of the year in Florida, reach out to a painting professional. They have the knowledge and training to handle any challenge.

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